The Future of Managing Microsoft Products - PowerShell

One key message that I got from both Microsoft TechEd's that I have attended was around how Microsoft plans for its products to be managed: PowerShell. Some might say that the "grey beards" have infiltrated Redmond and put a CLI management system into the products. With the planned release of PowerShell v3.0 in Windows Server 2012, PowerShell becomes the key skill for IT Professionals to learn. If they do not, they might be left behind.

I remember building Visual Basic scripts (VBScript) to execute scheduled jobs and perform maintenance tasks over the years. I built them on Windows Server 2000 and Server 2003. I also remember looking at Linux and its BASH environment for script and management of the systems. I loved the idea of a scripting language that was easy to remote execute and manage systems from, having more access to the system without need for add-ons, and ability to run live at the command line. VBScript did not offer this to me on Windows. Yes, I could build/buy/find COM objects to give me access to other parts of the system within VBScript, but I kept looking envious at BASH.

Fast forward to 2006 and the tooting of the PowerShell horns. PowerShell v1 was released for Windows XP/2003 series systems and included within Windows Vista. I played with it initially but it never caught on for me. I could see its future and hoped for more. Waiting for V2.0 of PowerShell that was released with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, I started getting impressed with it. I dabbled more and more with it but it was still a dabble. I was confused by much of it and did not invest the time I should have. (Dates verified thanks to the WikiPedia article on Windows PowerShell)

Now, on the cusp of the Windows 8 and Server 2012 releases, I am re-energized by the thought of PowerShell again. In reviewing Microsoft's technologies and researching this piece on PowerShell, I learned one key thing: Microsoft is betting heavily on PowerShell. Many of their products management utilities are now just a GUI on top of PowerShell scripting. Some key examples of this is Exchange Server 2007 and 2010; Lync Server 2010; System Center 2007 (Virtual Machine Manager), 2010 and 2012; and SharePoint 2010. All of these GUI's execute PowerShell scripts behind the GUI. In many cases, most of the management consoles can do most of the management, but the GUI does not have all of the access that the PowerShell commandlets have. If an IT Professional utilized PowerShell at the command line, they could do more than the management console allowed.

With the advances of PowerShell v3, I am looking into how to learn more. There are a few good resources online such as:

TechNet - -

PowerShell Blog -

Scripting Guy -

CodePlex -

Another way to learn more is attending conferences like TechEd or other educational opportunities. One person to look for as a trainer is Don Jones, a multi-year MVP in the PowerShell technology, as his sessions tend to fill quickly. Don also sells a book meant to learn PowerShell basics called "Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches". My intent is to get this book and spend the my time learning PowerShell as I feel all IT Professionals should. I am also going to encourage my staff at my job to do so as well.

What do you think of PowerShell? Are you going to spend time learning it?



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