I passed a Microsoft Beta Exam!

It was the strangest notification I have ever seen in my e-mail on Friday morning. I heard from Microsoft Learning inviting me to the Microsoft Certified Professional website. I was given codes to attach my Microsoft Account to the MCP site and create an account there. This came out of the blue and I tried to remember back to the tests I have taken. Then, it dawned on me … I passed a beta test for Windows 8 Configuration.

I sat at my desk in awe. I had heard from others that took the beta tests at North American TechEd that results still had not been posted. Some were getting a bit "testy" about it. Folks from MS Learning was working with them to get the scoring from the testing company but I totally forgot about checking my own scores. It literally took me a few minutes to realize what had happened and that I passed the exam. I will be honest, with my test scores from TechEd, I did not expect to pass. I learned so much about the certification exam taking process and preparation that I did not hold out any expectations.

After getting my code entered, I was informed on the MCP website that I now hold a certificate in Windows 8 Configuration. I am eager to finish off the MCSA: Windows 8 full certification as soon as I can. As I stated before in this blog, I did not work for my certifications before. Now, having been to a couple of TechEd conferences and getting to know others IT Professionals and Trainers, I fully see the value and started work on my own certification. This first one under my belt may be a basic one but it feels good to pass a test after failing a few at TechEd. I am more understanding of what this process entails and will be moving forward with more certifications, both technology and process.

What sort of certifications have you received and are trying to attain? Are you looking at technology, process, or management certifications? What value do you find in certifications?


Update on my 60 Days to MCSE


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