How to Virtually Attend MS TechEd North America

Well everyone, I made it here to Houston for Microsoft's TechEd North America that starts on Monday. The whole week kicks off with a some great information from Brad Anderson in the Keynote. Everyone loves to push in to the Keynote and get to see the information. Now, I know many are saying "But Jared, I didn't get to attend TechEd this year." First, I hate to hear that as conference events like this are great learning experiences but also incredible networking opportunities. Attendees get to spend time at events like this with vendors and experts in the technology that is out there. So what are the people that couldn't come to Houston to do?

Well, let me tell you what you can do … attend Microsoft TechEd virtually! Here are the best ways to attend TechEd virtually:

Follow the #MSTechEd hashtag on Twitter.

Almost all of the attendees will be sending out information with #MSTechEd. Following it will get you access to that information. Twitter is a great way to follow all the fun information from TechEd. Presenters will also send out their information via Twitter like their decks and other details.

Sign up for the TechEd Live Feed.

Yes! You can follow along with some of the content, including Brad Anderson's keynote, on the TechEd Live Feed. They also plan to show other sessions live on the feed like:

  • Deep Dive: The Future of .NET on the Server
  • Enabling Enterprise Mobility with Windows Intune, Microsoft Azure, and Windows Server
  • Mark Russinovich and Mark Minasi on Cloud Computing
  • Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager: MVP Experts Panel
  • Real-World Windows 8.1 Deployment: Notes from the Field
  • What’s New in Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V
  • Windows PowerShell Unplugged with Jeffrey Snover

On top of that wonderful content, you get to watch Joey Snow and Rick Claus in between the sessions doing interviews and talking tech. What more would you want? Head on over to register for the TechEd North America Live Stream Here.

So, now that you are getting connected and following along, you get a good flavor of TechEd here in Houston. What can you do next? Look at other opportunities like Stephen Rose's Windows Unplugged tour stopping in US cities, TechEd Europe in Barcelona later this year, and also local events and user groups. The key thing that conferences give us is networking opportunities along with the training. The great thing is many of these opportunities can be found out there and even in your own part of the world. Just look for them and get involved!

Oh, and if you follow me on Twitter and don't want to get overloaded with TechEd content, just filters out #MSTechEd or #TheKrewe if you really want to block it. I would say don't and follow along, but I can understand.


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