Sad news ... No Jared at NACS 2019

Hello readers. I know I have not kept this blog up recently but things have been very busy on my personal front lately. I have moved out of my current residence to a new place as I sell my home of the last 12 years. I had built my timeline based on my attending the North American Collaboration Summit 2019 in Branson, MO.

This is an event I was looking forward to attending and speaking at. I have heard nothing but praise from my fellow speakers about the event Mark Rackley puts on and wanted to see it for myself. Alas, this was not the year. My moving and sales preparation plans were thwarted by Mother Nature in a couple of ways.

I hope to get the opportunity to speak in future years but I do hope those of you attending and speaking have a blast and learn a lot.



Heeee'ssss Back!


SharePoint Saturday Utah 2019