What To Do With These Amazon Gift Cards
I am a hoarder much like anyone else. I have a lot of stuff in my house that needs to be sorted through and probably recycled, sold or thrown out. My server drives are full of information that "I might need someday". Worse yet, I got 3 Amazon gift certificates in the past 3 months and I still haven't spent the money on anything. I was looking all week at a couple of items and thought I would share some of my shopping fun.
First and foremost, when I bought my Nokia 920, I got the recharging plate for wireless recharging of the battery. Thinking at the time that it was "gimmicky", I never put much on it for the long term. Wow, did I make a huge mistake. The wireless charging capability of my Nokia phone is one of the top things I love about it, period! Forget my desired for the Windows Phone 8 OS and Microsoft infrastructure I am solidly held into, the fact that I can recharge my phone without fumbling with cables is a godsend. The only downside, my phone is flat on my nightstand. While shopping for Nokia's new wireless car charger/holder, I found the Nokia DT910 Wireless Charging Stand. This will fit my needs to a tee for my nightstand.
On top of the charging stand, I have noticed that my Nokia 920 is getting small "micro scratches" on the Gorilla Glass. I can't think of what could be doing this to the glass but I need to protect it. Thanks to my friend, Mike Bender, there is a lovely solution for that as well. ArmourSuit makes a screen protector for many cell phones including the Nokia 920. The specific model I want, the ArmorSuit MilitaryShield - Nokia Lumia 920 Screen Protector
, is pretty inexpensive and does not interfere with the screen's operations. He seemed to be pretty happy with it and at $9.95, I am willing to take a trial run with it. I might even put a bumper case around it as I notice I am getting a bit more clumsy with this phone that prior ones.
So, these are the two things that have caught my eye as of this week. If Nokia had released their CR200 Wireless Car Charger, I would have added that to my shopping cart as well with no questions asked. I am going to spend some more time perusing some of the games, filters for my Canon camera and lenses, and other gadgets I can't live without.
What are you buying these days? Spending more time and money on technology? Some other craft?